Falls in sprinkles or violent storms,
runs in rivulets, streams, settles in ponds--
live or stagnant—rivers, seas, oceans--
does water listen?

What does it hear?

Parched cry of the ground.
Oasis prayer.
Rocks beg for smooth
erosion to eternity.
Human plea for quench.
Animals gulp, slurp.
Children splash in hose fun.
Smack of children’s water balloons.
Drip drip of the waiting faucet.
Flush we want and don’t want to hear.
Sound of waves on the shore’s lap,
breaks fiercely on the rocks.
Roar of falls, white water.
Whoosh of a whale’s spout.
Gentle showers on the evening garden.
Water exclaims into wine.
Sipping a cup of cold water saves a soul.

Water, water everywhere,
less and less to drink.

Listen with the water.

Originally Published in Spank The Carp