To the fathers of books and papers and pens, to the fathers of hammers and nails and boards,

to the fathers of either, to the fathers of both, we celebrate this day.

To the fathers of song and voice and lilt, to the fathers of trade and coin and hire,

to the fathers of brush and easel and paint, to the fathers of seed and soil and wind,

to the fathers of words and teach and gesture, to the fathers of stove and boil and sear,

to the fathers of music and string and chord, to the fathers of gear and cog and whirr,

to the fathers of hugs and smiles and laps, to the fathers of silence and strength and arms,

to the fathers of ship and storm and curse, to the fathers of prayer and Spirit and sacred,

to the fathers of daughters and the fathers of sons, to the fathers of mothers and fathers of fathers and the fathers of Grand.

To the fathers of either, to the fathers of both, to the fathers of all and every, we celebrate this day.

We celebrate this day.

Originally published in Spillwords Magazine